Want to Write?

Do you want to write something for the newSAprofessionals blog? Simply send a post to  newsaprofessionals@gmail.com for consideration! Also, if you would like to share a picture with your post, please attach the picture to the email, and I will do my best to format it correctly with the post.

All submissions will be proofread and edited before being posted to the site. Unacceptable posts will not be posted. Unacceptable topics include anything derogatory, mean-spirited, degrading, hateful, etc. All submissions will receive feedback  (typically within 2-3 business days).

What better way to contribute to the conversation (and add to your resume) than to share your thoughts with the world via an article or blog post on the newSAprofessionals blog?

2 responses to “Want to Write?”

  1. Ryan Westman says :

    I want to write … please!

  2. newSAprofessionals says :

    I would LOVE to have you write!

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